Dungarpur: The Bichiwada police station of the district arrested two former staff of a finance firm on Sunday in separate instances of fraud and embezzlement. Both the accused had been absconding for the final 2 years. A reward of Rs 4,000 every was additionally introduced on each of them. Both the workers had dedicated fraud and embezzlement of greater than Rs 45 lakh.
Bichiwada SHO Kailash Soni stated that the officers of Bharat Finance Company had given two separate studies on 19 September and 20 December 2022 in Bichiwada police station, in one in all which they stated that the previous supervisor of the Bichiwada department of the corporate, Deependra Singh Rathore, has absconded after embezzling Rs 31 lakh 24 thousand by fraudulently taking pretend loans of the corporate’s cash and ladies’s teams at completely different occasions.
Whereas, the second report was filed towards area workplace bearer Dipendra Solanki of Bichhiwara department by which it was said that Dipendra Solanki stole the quantity collected from the sector together with the workplace cash amounting to Rs. 14 lakh 48 thousand 510 and fled away.
Read this additionally: Case filed towards the Pradhan and the then Development Officer of Panchayat Samiti Badi, know the entire matter – Scam Allegation
The police had registered a case and began investigation, however there was no clue of the accused. On which SP Dungarpur had put a reward of Rs 4,000 every on each the accused. Here, the police achieved success and arrested Deependra Singh Rathore and Deependra Solanki, who had been absconding for the final 2 years, on Sunday, whom the police is interrogating.