Dhaulpur : In the district, within the village Math Nohra of Kanchanpur police station space, on Monday late night time, a Dalit youth who had gone to feed the cattle within the cattle shed was shot by unknown miscreants. Due to this, the youth died on the spot. The miscreants unfold terror by firing and escaped by leaping into the fields at midnight. The incident has created panic among the many villagers. The police, who reached the spot, have stored the physique within the mortuary of Bari Government General Hospital.
The case is suspicious. Whether the miscreants have shot or it’s a case of some outdated rivalry, it is going to be revealed after investigation. The lifeless physique has been taken into custody and stored within the mortuary. Postmortem will likely be accomplished on Tuesday morning. A case will likely be registered after the household provides the report. At current, the police is investigating the explanations behind the incident. : Shaitan Singh, Kanchanpur Police Station Incharge
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According to the data, 22-year-old Balveer son of Ghurelal Jatav had gone to feed the animals within the cattle shed late at night time, the place the miscreants already current there shot the youth. The youth fell on the spot in a bloody state. The miscreants unfold terror within the village by firing and escaped by leaping into the fields. The relations instantly took the youth to Bari Government General Hospital, the place the docs declared Balveer lifeless. After the incident, the relations are in a nasty state, crying.
The miscreants had entered the cattle shed with the intention of theft: According to the household, about 6 miscreants had entered Balveer’s cattle shed with the intention of stealing the cattle. The youth had gone to the cattle shed to feed the cattle and sleep. The youth raised an alarm as quickly as he noticed the miscreants, upon which one of many miscreants shot the youth on the temple. After committing the crime, the miscreants escaped by leaping into the fields at midnight.