Chief Minister Bhajanlal Sharma reached Ujjain, said- the street by which Lord Krishna got here to get schooling might be developed

Chief Minister Bhajanlal Sharma reached Ujjain, said- the street by which Lord Krishna got here to get schooling might be developed

New Delhi : Rajasthan Chief Minister Bhajanlal Sharma reached Ujjain, town of Baba Mahakal, immediately. Where he visited the Ujjain Mahakal temple. During this, he mentioned that immediately on the event of Krishna Janmashtami, I’ve come to the ashram of Sandipani Guru, the Gurukul of Lord Krishna.

Today I’ve had darshan of Baba Mahakal’s palanquin. On this event, I want Krishna Janmashtami to the individuals of Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan. Today, the Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh governments have collectively introduced the development of Shri Krishna Gaman Path.

The route by means of which Lord Krishna got here to obtain schooling might be developed and the Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan governments will convey these locations on the map and create a non secular circuit.

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