Jodhpur: Chief Minister Bhajanlal Sharma reached Jodhpur on Wednesday. During this, he took a assessment assembly of the officers at Jodhpur Airport and gave essential instructions to the officers concerning the event works of Jodhpur. District Collector Gaurav Aggarwal, who got here out of the airport after the assembly, mentioned {that a} assessment assembly was held on the airport. In this assessment assembly, Jodhpur’s roads, drainage plan and sewerage have been reviewed.
While doing an in depth assessment on this assembly, Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma gave directions to take motion in opposition to 17 engineers and 16 contractors on the premise of checking the standard of roads. Action might be taken in opposition to all of them as per guidelines. Apart from this, over the past go to the CM had requested for a plan concerning the Ring Road, that was additionally mentioned. Also requested for a plan to cease air pollution in Jojri river, on which JDA officers have given a plan of Rs 161 crore to the CM. Apart from this, the CM additionally took suggestions on the situation of Banar Road and the work being carried out there.
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Those who do good work might be appreciated: Minister Jogaram Patel and native MLA additionally attended the assembly. In the assembly, Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma gave a transparent message, by which it was mentioned that whoever does good work might be appreciated and motion might be taken in opposition to those that don’t work. CM Suryakanta had come to Jodhpur to console the members of the family on the demise of Vyas.