Udaipur Illegal Smuggling: Taking main motion, Pratap Nagar police station in Udaipur, Rajasthan has seized stolen Doda value Rs 1.5 crore. Smugglers had been smuggling medicine to Punjab, Haryana and Delhi by means of buses below the guise of parcels. During this motion, 16 quintals and 42 kg of unlawful doda powder was seized, the worth of which is claimed to be round Rs 1 crore 50 lakh. During this time, 3 accused together with the primary accused Vinod Dhakad have been arrested.
As per the directions of District Superintendent of Police Yogesh Goyal, operations are being performed to arrest the criminals smuggling unlawful medicine within the district. Under the marketing campaign, the Udaipur police group took main motion towards the inter-state gang concerned in unlawful smuggling of narcotics by means of Pratapnagar from close by areas of Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh to different states together with Punjab, Haryana and Delhi.
More than 16 quintals of doda powder seized
During this time, whereas stealing an enormous amount of unlawful opium doda from a store in entrance of Alakh Nayan Hospital, Pratapnagar and packing it as a parcel, 16 quintals of 42 kg had been recovered from the possession of the primary accused Vinod Dhakad, resident of Laxmipur police station, Badi Sadri district, Chittorgarh and his associates. Kilo of stolen opium was seized and all of the accused had been arrested.
Caught, case has been registered below NDPS Act. Investigation is happening in reference to the arrested important accused Vinod Dhakad and his associates, in reference to unlawful opium smuggling and its buy and sale.
New methodology of crime by the accused
Adopting a brand new methodology, the accused smuggle the medicine to Punjab, Haryana and Delhi by inserting them within the journey buses going from Udaipur to Punjab, Haryana and Delhi by disguising them as rooster feed.
Arrested important accused Vinod Dhakad and his co-accused Pappu Singh resident of Nahar Singh Kheda, Badi Saddi and Udaynath resident of Satola, Police Station Jaloda, Pratapgarh, stole big amount of unlawful opium doda from Nimbahera, Badi Saddi, Chittorgarh, Udaipur at their warehouse. A brand new methodology was adopted by bringing it and packing it in a cartoon to put it aside from police surveillance.
The drug is smuggled to Punjab, Haryana and Delhi by inserting it within the type of parcels in journey buses going from Udaipur to Punjab, Haryana and Delhi, passing it off as rooster feed. The accused have been smuggling in the identical method in Mewar and areas adjoining to MP for the final 2 years.
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