Dungarpur: The Dungarpur unit of the Anti-Corruption Bureau has arrested a trainer of Ara School in Bichhiwada block red-handed for taking a bribe of Rs 10,000. He was demanding a bribe of Rs 20,000 for making ready and sending the pension case of a fellow educationist who retired 9 months in the past.
ACB DSP Ratansingh Rajpurohit stated {that a} retired training employee of Bichhiwada block had lodged the criticism. It was advised that he had retired from the put up of training employee on January 31. After this, Rameshchandra Koted, a fellow educationist of Government Primary School, Ara, is demanding a bribe of Rs 20 thousand to organize the pension case. The criticism was confirmed, by which it was confirmed that the demand for bribe was made by training employee Rameshchandra Koted.
Read: Patwari taking bribe arrested crimson handed, had requested for Rs 20 thousand from farmer for doing Girdawari
On this, ACB laid a entice to entice. Shikshakarmi was referred to as to Syntax Tiraha for bribe quantity. ACB staff reached right here. The sufferer retired worker gave a bribe quantity of Rs 10 thousand to the accused training employee Rameshchandra Koted. Here, as quickly because the sign was obtained, the ACB staff reached and caught the training employee Rameshchandra. ACB staff has recovered Rs 10,000 given as bribe from the training employee. The accused training employee has been arrested.