Bharatpur News: A dozen individuals attacked the police crew with sticks and sticks after they went to seek for the wished accused in village Jotroli situated in Rudawal police station space of Bharatpur. The glass of the police automobile was damaged within the assault, and the police personnel have been saved from the attackers by the individuals of the village.
All policemen are secure. The ASI has registered a case towards a dozen individuals relating to the incident of assault, after which the police has began looking for the attackers.
Case registered towards many individuals
Rudawal police station in-charge Narendra Singh stated {that a} marketing campaign is being run beneath the route of District Superintendent of Police Mridul Kachhawa to arrest the criminals within the district. Under this operation, a crew beneath the management of ASI Mohan Singh posted on the police station had gone to village Jotroli to seek for the accused Mithun, Yadi alias Bholu, Monty, Deepak, Vishambar, Guddu, Kartar, Raman, Sanjay Anesh.
As quickly as they reached close to the home of the accused, the members of the family of the accused attacked the automotive with sticks. The police automobile was broken within the assault. With nice issue the policemen escaped and saved their lives with the assistance of the villagers.
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