Jaisalmer: A tractor overturned close to PTM within the Mohangarh canal space of the district on Wednesday, killing a younger man. On receiving details about the accident, ASI Hariram reached the spot with the police pressure and took the physique in custody and knowledgeable the household. On receiving the knowledge, the household of the deceased reached the spot, the place the daddy of the deceased gave an FIR to the police towards the tractor driver and refused to get the autopsy achieved. On which the police crammed the Panchnama and handed over the physique to the household.
ASI Hariram stated that the tractor overturned a couple of kilometer forward of PTM crossing in direction of Sultana. 24-year-old Lekh Ram son of Patram died on the spot after being crushed underneath the tractor. Police reached the spot after getting details about the incident.
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In the FIR lodged by the deceased’s father, it’s said that Lekh Ram was strolling from PTM to the farm. During this time, a rushing tractor coming from behind ran over Lekh Ram. Lekh Ram died after being crushed underneath the tractor. The police have registered a case and seized the tractor. Now the police is investigating the whole matter.
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