A significant safety lapse occurred in Jaipur on Wednesday when a truck loaded with gasoline cylinders rammed into Vice Chief Minister Jagdeep Dhankhar’s convoy. The incident occurred at 4:10 pm at Akshay Patra Chowk, simply an hour after a automobile overturned the convoy of Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma on the identical location.
Police intervene to stop accidents
Security personnel responded instantly, stopping the truck and transferring it again away from the convoy. No accidents or accidents had been reported. The Vice President was coming back from an occasion on the Sohan Singh Kaushal Development Center when the breach occurred, police officers stated.
Previous incident: CM’s convoy collision claims life
Just an hour in the past, on the identical intersection, a automobile in CM Bhajan Lal Sharma’s convoy collided with a bike, killing Assistant Sub-Inspector Surendra Singh The constable was standing on the intersection on the time of the accident.
Repeated Breaches in VIP Security
The consecutive lapses in VIP safety have raised considerations concerning the effectiveness of protocols. Despite the deadly collision within the CM’s convoy, the same breach occurred within the Vice President’s convoy shortly after. Authorities are underneath scrutiny for failing to implement obligatory measures to stop such incidents.
Also learn | ASI dies, six injured after automobile collides with Rajasthan CM Sharma’s convoy in Jaipur