Dholpur: The forest division group has rescued the wild animal Jarakh close to Kumarpura village of Sarmathura police station space. Jarakh had been troubling the villagers for a very long time. Due to this, the villagers have been being compelled to stay in an environment of terror and concern. On Sunday, after quite a lot of laborious work, the Forest Department group rescued Jarakh.
Sarmathura police station in-charge Gaurav Kumar mentioned that the motion of untamed predatory animal Jarakh was being seen in Kumarpura village of the police station space, on account of which there was quite a lot of concern among the many villagers. The wild animal was seen to the villagers for a lot of days. Because of this the villagers have been afraid to even go away their houses. On Sunday, the motion of Jarakh was once more seen to the villagers, details about which was instantly given to the rescue group of the Forest Department.
Read this also- Zarakh made a deadly assault on an aged individual in Dholpur, remedy continues in Jaipur Higher Center – wild animal assault
Rescue achieved close to pond: The forest division group reached close to Kumarpura village with rescue tools. After about an hour of laborious work, the Forest Department has rescued Jarakh from close to the pond. Jarakh’s well being take a look at shall be achieved. After this it is going to be left safely within the forests of the Forest Department. Police station in-charge mentioned that after the rescue of Jarakh, the villagers have heaved a sigh of aid.