shift: A horrific street accident passed off in Desuri space of Pali district, during which a faculty bus overturned. In this accident, three women died on the spot, whereas many different college students have been injured. The incident passed off close to Punjab Mod in Charbhuja Naal space of Desuri, when 60 to 65 college students in a faculty bus have been going to have darshan of Parshuram Mahadev Ji. The bus all of the sudden overturned, inflicting chaos among the many college students.
As quickly as details about the accident was acquired, ambulances from Desuri and Charbhuja and native police reached the spot. The injured have been first despatched to Desuri and Charbhuja hospitals, the place they got first help. Later the severely injured college students have been referred to Rajsamand. After this accident, Rajsamand SP and Collector additionally reached the hospital and inquired concerning the situation of the injured. After the accident, the native administration and police have began investigating the matter.
School bus overturned in Charbhuja drain of Desuri:
-3 women died, 60-65 college students have been touring within the bus.
-All the scholars have been going to see Parashuram Mahadev ji.
-The injured got first help at Desuri and Charbhuja hospitals and later despatched to Rajsamand.
-Rajsamand SP and Collector reached the spot.
-This accident has shocked the complete space, and the administration is investigating the matter severely.