The harshness of winter and lack of rum in Rajasthan, Excise division is rationing rum.

The harshness of winter and lack of rum in Rajasthan, Excise division is rationing rum.

Jaipur : There is a harsh winter in Rajasthan and a scarcity of rum. The Excise Department is rationing rum. There is a big demand for rum in view of winter and New Year. There is a scarcity of Old Monk and McDowell rum.

The Excise Department admitted that there’s a scarcity of rum within the state. On asking for 20 packing containers, the licensee is getting 2 packing containers. Licensees are anxious as a consequence of scarcity of rum in Jaipur. Problems are growing as a consequence of acute scarcity of rum within the capital. As quickly because the rum cart arrives on the warehouse, there’s a crowd of licensees.

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