CM Bhajanlal Sharma: Today is the 74th birthday of Prime Minister Narendra Modi (PM Modi Birthday). Like yearly, this time too, on the event of the birthday of its stalwart chief, BJP goes to begin ‘Seva Pakhwada’ or ‘Seva Parv’ from September 17. This morning, CM Bhajan Lal did Shramdaan and distributed cleansing tools. On this event, he mentioned that he’s going to provide many items to the folks of Rajasthan as we speak.
‘Cleanliness is on the minds of Indore folks’
The Chief Minister mentioned that the message of Swachchhata Abhiyan given by the Prime Minister is exhibiting its impact. But this isn’t potential with out public participation. I noticed that the staff maintain cleanliness and crops within the workplace. I went to Indore. I noticed that they’re constantly coming at primary. But cleanliness is within the minds of the folks there.
‘Let us all collectively make Jaipur clear’
Every shopkeeper has positioned a dustbin. He is not going to allow you to throw the rubbish exterior. We ought to have the behavior of separating rubbish. Many occasions we see rubbish at some place however go by it. I would like you to not ignore it. Be it by way of your means, by way of a company, by way of a councilor. Get it cleaned. Let us all collectively make Jaipur clear and wholesome.
7 crore bushes have been planted underneath ‘One tree within the title of mom’
We are decided to make Rajasthan developed. Whether it’s by way of Rising Rajasthan or by way of electrical energy and water schemes. Every individual ought to have a task on this. It is the duty of all of us to make Rajasthan clear, wholesome and exquisite. 7 crore saplings have been planted underneath the Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam marketing campaign.
Usually solely 25% of the crops survive however resulting from steady rains, 50% of the crops are alive. So if I say that if there’s willpower then even God helps. Today we’re going to give many items to the folks of Rajasthan.
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