Ajmer: Two harmless youngsters died as a result of drowning in Kaleri pond close to Srinagar, Ajmer on Thursday. There was a stir within the space after the incident. According to the data, each harmless youngsters named Balbir and Nemichand had been college students of the native authorities college. This accident occurred whereas reaching close to the pond. As quickly as the data was acquired, an enormous crowd of villagers gathered on the spot.
With the assistance of divers, the police, after loads of effort, took the youngsters out of the pond and took them to the closest hospital. Due to the essential situation of the youngsters, they had been referred to JLN Hospital in Ajmer. Where the medical doctors declared him lifeless. The our bodies of each the youngsters have been saved within the mortuary of JLN Hospital for postmortem.
The relations of the youngsters have accused the varsity administration of significant negligence and have raised questions as to how the harmless youngsters reached the pond. This painful incident has raised questions on the native administration and faculty administration. The police have been concerned within the investigation of the case. The our bodies of each the innocents will probably be handed over to their households after autopsy.