Jhalawar: On Sunday, the Health Governance Department dismissed the President and member of the Aklera Nagar Palika of the district, Vijay Laxmi Yadav,...
quota. Kaithun Nagar Palika President and Congress Councilor Aina Mehak was suspended by the state authorities. After this, Nagar Palika's Vice President Hariom...
Memorandum given demanding to remain within the space officer of the village panchayat (Video ETV Bharat Baran)Baran: The earlier Congress authorities had declared...
Demand to unravel the issues of Pipa Baja in entrance of EO (ETV Bharat Sriganganagar)Sri Ganganagar: Suratgarh Nagarpalika Ward 31 councillor Basant Bohra...